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<dd class="text-5xl font-light md:text-6xl">192.1k</dd>
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<span>32k increase</span>
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<dt class="text-sm font-medium text-gray-500">Bounce rate</dt>
<dd class="text-5xl font-light md:text-6xl">21%</dd>
<dd class="flex items-center space-x-1 text-sm font-medium text-red-500">
<span>7% increase</span>
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<dd class="text-5xl font-light md:text-6xl">03:12</dd>
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<span>3% increase</span>
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<div class="grid grid-cols-[2fr,1fr,1fr] gap-4 text-sm font-medium px-2 relative">
<dd class="text-right">71k</dd>
<dd class="text-right">40k</dd>
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<dd>United States</dd>
<dd class="text-right">41k</dd>
<dd class="text-right">32k</dd>
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<dd class="text-right">36k</dd>
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A beautifully crafted package of components for TailwindCSS. A big win if you want to build your application fast and good-looking!
Dennis Smink
Founder of ploi.io
Lovely looking components, will definitely use them as a starting point for my upcoming products. They fit right in with my style!
Boris Lepikhin
Founder of reel
With this bundle, your products will instantly look great and feel familiar. The large number of examples is amazing. Your users will love it.
Sebastiaan Kloos
Founder of Codecycler
Design your next site in minutes
UI Kits are copy-and-pastable components which can be accessed through our website. Purchasing a UI Kit will not grant access to it's counter library like Blade UI. Libraries are ready to use components for frameworks, these can be locally downloaded through a package manager like Composer. Purchasing a library will not grant access to it's counter UI Kit and libraries for other frameworks.
Yes! you can use this package with your team as long as you purchase it specifically for the team. We recommend using a team email address.
No, you can't redistribute our component in any shape or form. It's also not allowed to build other UI kits based on Razor UI.
Yes, as long as the main purpose of the project isn't something like a page builder or an admin panel package. It's completely okay to use our components as a part of a bigger and unrelated open-source project.
Same as the open-source projects. You can use Razor UI to build a paid tool as long as the tool isn't a page builder or an admin panel builder.
Same as the open-source projects. You can use Razor UI for client work, as long as the client project isn't a UI kit or a tool for building a page builder or an admin panel builder.
No. You can use Razor UI for as many projects as you like.
No, they're considered different products. You'll need to purchase a new license. However, customers get an exclusive discount on new releases.
Updates for each package are forever free, at no additional cost.
Yes. We appreciate our customers, so we reward them with discounts on any Razor UI packages we release in the future.
No. The templates use Alpine.js because it's part of the template, and easy to port to other frameworks. You'll find the code intuitive regardless of your coding background.
We appreciate them! As part of your purchase, you'll get access to our Discord server where you can provide suggestions and we'll gladly discuss them.
We only offer support for payment-related issues. However, in the Discord community - that's part of your purchase - you can talk to us and other customers. The odds are likely someone will be able to help you out.
Libraries are implementations with a complete API for a specific framework. Instead of HTML, you get ready to use building blocks. You can see their API before you purchase them.