
Confirm delete
<x-app-ui::modal id="confirm-delete">
    <x-slot name="trigger">
        <x-app-ui::button x-on:click="open = true">
            Open confirm delete

    <x-slot name="heading">
        Delete campaign

    <x-slot name="subheading">
        Are you sure that you want to delete your campaign? All data will be irreversibly lost.

    <x-slot name="footer">
        <x-app-ui::modal.actions full-width>
            <x-app-ui::button x-on:click="open = false" color="secondary">

            <x-app-ui::button color="danger">
Confirm delete with input
<x-app-ui::modal width="lg" id="confirm-delete">
    <x-slot name="trigger">
        <x-app-ui::button x-on:click="open = true">
            Open confirm delete with input

    <x-slot name="header">
            Confirm deletion

    <x-app-ui::prose size="sm">
        To delete your project, please enter the name of your project <strong>new-project-2</strong>. Once deleted this project will be unrecoverable.

    <x-app-ui::input label="Confirm name" name="name_confirmation" />

    <x-slot name="footer">
            <x-app-ui::button color="danger" size="sm">
                Confirm Delete

            <x-app-ui::button x-on:click="open = false" color="secondary" size="sm">
Success pop up
<x-app-ui::modal id="purchase-success">
    <x-slot name="trigger">
        <x-app-ui::button x-on:click="open = true">
            Open success pop-up

    <x-slot name="heading">
        Thanks for purchasing Razor UI

    <x-slot name="subheading">
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Commodi ipsum sit nisi.

    <x-slot name="actions">
        <x-app-ui::modal.actions full-width>
                View components
With header content and footer
<x-app-ui::modal width="2xl" id="terms">
    <x-slot name="trigger">
        <x-app-ui::button x-on:click="open = true">
            Open with header, content and footer

    <x-slot name="header">
            Our new Terms Of Service


            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Sit pariatur aperiam fuga illo
            similique, incidunt amet aliquam possimus, eum obcaecati veritatis alias consequuntur
            repudiandae dolorum itaque voluptatum corporis ea neque at aliquid?

            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Sit pariatur aperiam fuga illo
            similique, incidunt amet aliquam possimus, eum obcaecati veritatis alias consequuntur
            repudiandae dolorum itaque voluptatum corporis ea neque at aliquid?

        <h3>Data processing</h3>

            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab placeat, asperiores earum, provident
            iste repudiandae ea beatae vero sapiente quaerat fuga cum non cupiditate ut consectetur id quo
            quia sunt dolores incidunt obcaecati! Saepe eveniet, illo vel facilis culpa eligendi.

            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Sit pariatur aperiam fuga illo
            similique, incidunt amet aliquam possimus, eum obcaecati veritatis alias consequuntur
            repudiandae dolorum itaque voluptatum corporis ea neque at aliquid?

    <x-slot name="footer">
                Accept terms of service

            <x-app-ui::button x-on:click="open = false" color="secondary">




Name Default Options Notes
aria-labelledby heading container, if present Used for accessibility features.
close-event-name close-modal Used as the name of the browser event to close the modal.
display-classes inline-block Used to alter the display mode of the trigger.
id Used for triggering modal state using browser events, and accessibility features.
open-event-name open-modal Used as the name of the browser event to open the modal.
width sm xs, sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl, 3xl, 4xl, 5xl, 6xl, 7xl, full

Browser events

Name Parameters Description Notes
close-modal id of modal Close the modal. Event name can be customised using the close-event-name attribute.
open-modal id of modal Open the modal. Event name can be customised using the open-event-name attribute.


Name Notes
Main Contains the content of the modal, between its header and footer.
actions Contains an app-ui.modal.actions component to display below the content of the card, before its footer.
footer Contains content for the footer section of the modal.
header Contains content for the header section of the modal.
heading Contains heading text.
subheading Contains subheading text.
trigger Contains the element to trigger the modal open. This element should use the attribute x-on:click="open = true"



Name Default Options Notes
align left left, center, right
full-width false Boolean expression This stretches the child buttons to occupy the full container width.


Name Notes
Main Contains the individual app-ui::button components.



Name Notes
Main Contains the text content of the heading.


Name Notes
Main Contains the text content of the subheading.